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You're about to get a one-year All Access MVH Membership. That's everything you need to unpause.

Complete your purchase to get instant access to everything you require to restore your hormonal balance naturally and rediscover your best self.

  • 1-year access to UNPAUSE WITH NIKITA Signature Program
  • Access to MVH Community (Closed Facebook Group)
  • 24 Coaching Calls (2 Every Month)
  • 100% Discount on 12 monthly Masterclasses (1 Every Month)
  • [BONUS] Access to recordings of all Past Masterclasses

Subscribe to MVH membership

Fill out your details and complete the purchase below to get started today.

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Here is what sisters like you say about the MVH membership

I've been part of sister Nikita's Muslimah Vitality Hub for almost 2 months now, and the changes that I have been able to make in my health and fitness journey through her guidance have given me excellent results.


Artist and Creativity Coach

Wakefield, UK

Since joining the programme I feel so energetic and positive. My mindset has completely changed to a positive one and it’s all thanks to Nikita. She is absolutely amazing ! She’s so knowledgeable, supportive and motivating and has this beautiful ability to explain complex information in layman terms. She’s a true gem amongst our ummah! I am so lucky and grateful to have found her. One of the best decisions I made was joining the programme . Nikita has truly transformed my life!



Stockton on Tees, UK

The content never overwhelms, but is delivered at a pace that takes into account busy schedules. You never feel left behind at all!

The bonus is making some wonderful friends along the way to cheer on the newer, fitter, happier you.

To any Muslimah wanting to bring a lasting change in her lifestyle, I’d say this programme is unmissable.

In short, this programme is something I will never regret being part of.


